Privacy policy

In the course of our business, our company may process information about you. Some of this data may identify you (“personal data”). This privacy policy tells you how we collect and process your personal data. Please read it carefully.

For what purposes do we use your data?

We only use your personal data where we have a legitimate interest in doing so.
Our legitimate interest in using your data is to :

  • Give you the opportunity to contact us
  • To characterise the audience for our website in order to improve the user experience

In any event, your individual rights will always take precedence over our legitimate interests, and we will never use your data for commercial purposes against your wishes. You will always be asked for your consent for the use of your data, and you will always be able to withdraw it.

How and what data is collected?

  • By filling in a contact form: title, last name, first name, email address and telephone number
  • By depositing a cookie in your browser: IP address, operating system (Windows, Mac, Linux, etc.), browser (Firefox, Chrome, Internet Explorer, Safari, etc.), date and time of your visit, address of the Internet page from which you came, content consulted on our website.

Who has access to the data we collect?

The data we collect directly via forms is not passed on to any other company. Within our company, only persons authorised to handle the receipt of forms may access your personal data.

The data we collect indirectly via cookies is transmitted to Google Analytics.

Where is your data physically stored?

The data we collect directly is stored in France, on OVH servers. The anonymised data collected via cookies and transmitted to Google Analytics is stored on Google servers.

How does Google use the information it collects?

How is your data protected?

All exchanges with our Website are encrypted using a Let’s Encrypt SSL certificate. The people in our company who are authorised to consult your data do so via a secure connection using an encrypted login and password.

What are your rights?

You may withdraw your consent to any of our services at any time. You may also request the total and definitive deletion of your personal data from our systems. Your request should be sent to the attention of the data controller.

Data controller

VERELEC SAS is responsible for the processing mentioned in this document.
The Data Protection Officer can be contacted at the following address: